Chakra UI - v1.6.10

🎨 Custom Theme

Module Summary: Overriding the default Chakra UI theme.

4 min read · 745 words

In the last module, we took a look at Chakra UI's default theme. These styles work great, however you will most likely need to custimize some or all of them. We can do this by creating a custom theme, also known as overriding the default theme.

To begin, create a file named theme.js. Inside of this file, we will extend our default theme. To do this, we will use 2 Chakra UI imports.

import { extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react"
import { createBreakpoints } from "@chakra-ui/theme-tools"

extendTheme will allow us to pass our changes into the default theme and createBreakpoints will allow us to override the default breakpoints.

Add the following code beneth the imports.

const overrides = {

const customTheme = extendTheme(overrides)

export default customTheme

Above, we are creating a new object called overrides and passing it into our extendTheme function.

Overriding Fonts

Let's start by overriding the default font. Declare a variable called fonts and set the body and heading fonts to whatever you'd like.

const fonts = {
    body: `Inter,"Segoe UI",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol"`,
    heading: `Inter,"Segoe UI",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif,"Apple Color Emoji","Segoe UI Emoji","Segoe UI Symbol"`

In my case I am setting it to Inter - a google font and also passing in a bunch of fallbacks. Next, add this to our overrides object.

const overrides = {
    fonts, // <-- pass in the fonts object

Right now nothing will happen. This is because we aren't using this custom theme anywhere in our website!

Recall in the getting started section that we are using the ChakraProvider to render our app. This takes in a property called theme which is, you guessed it, our custom theme.

import customTheme from '../theme' // <-- import our custom theme

function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) {
  return (
    <ChakraProvider theme={customTheme}> // <-- pass in our custom theme
        <Component {...pageProps} />

You should now see your website font change!

Overriding Breakpoints

Depending on your use case, you might want your own custom breakpoints. You can add them by using createBreakpoints and passing in a list of breakpoints.

const breakpoints = createBreakpoints({
    sm: '10em',
    md: '30em',
    lg: '40em',
    xl: '50em',
    "2xl": '55em',
    // and so on

const overrides = {
    breakpoints, // <-- pass in our breakpoints

Overriding Configs

In the last module we added a dark mode switch. Chakra UI gives us some options to handle the starting color mode and use the users system preferences.

const config = {
    initialColorMode: "light",
    useSystemColorMode: false,

const overrides = {
    config, // <-- pass in our config

initialColorMode takes in light or dark and useSystemColorMode takes in true or false.

Overriding Colors

In a lot of cases, you will have cusotm brand colors. You can hard code them if you want, but this is not a best practive. We can define a custom brand color pallet so you can take advantage of Chakra UI's colorScheme properties.

const colors = {
    brand_one: {
        50: '#EAD9CD',
        100: '#E3CDBC',
        200: '#DCC0AC',
        300: '#D5B39B',
        400: '#CEA78B',
        500: '#C89B7B',
        600: '#BB855E',
        700: '#AA7047',
        800: '#8E5E3B',
        900: '#714B2F'

const overrides = {
    colors, // <-- pass in our colors

Now you can use these colors like such:

<Button colorScheme="brand_one">I am a custom brand button!</Button>


<Text color="brand_one.500">I am a custom brand text!</Text>

You can also override the Chakra UI default colors. For example, if you don't like red.500 as #E53E3E you can override it.

const colors = {
    red: {
        500: '#fff', // <-- setting red.500 to white!

Adding + Overriding Components

We can also add and override Chakra components. For example, the Badge component does not come with a size prop out of the box. We can add one easily.

const components = {
  Badge: {
    sizes: {
      sm: {
        fontSize: "10px",

const overrides = {
  components, // <-- pass in our components

Now, we can use the Badge component like so:

<Badge size="sm">I am a custom badge!</Badge>

This works for any component and for any prop.


In this module we learned how to create a custom theme and override Chakra UI's default theme.

Last updated on January 29, 2022

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